Wednesday, May 25, 2011

A source of energy all over: Spain The counter-energy "green" began in Spain, in March, the wind energy produced 21% of the whole 'electricity generated, becoming the largest source of electricity in the country and surpassing even nuclear. Wind energy, with a production of well-4.738 TWh, equivalent to the consumption of 17 million households, thus allowing you to save 1.7 million tones of CO2 spills. The target set for 2020 is to achieve 40 GW of wind power.
Pure energy other "eco" in Spain has produced important results. In fact, during the first quarter of 2011, the renewable sources have been satisfied overall with 40.5% of electricity demand. The solar (photovoltaic and thermodynamic) has with somewhere to 2.3%, a significant result since it is winter. Spain is a good example to follow for Italy, where the debate on renewable is now hot. Pending well we clean energy soars; we must look to traditional sources of energy and try to save preferring offers more favorable market.

About Michael Thomas I am a singer, a talented singer who lives in Jamaica. I have a lot of friends with whom i enjoy spending most of my times, i dedicate most of my time to singing and going to church.

M. T